This installation of MotoHawk should contain the following: --MotoHawk | +--Bin Executable utilities used by MotoHawk | +--Blocks Blockset library. Everything in this directory is added to the MATLAB path. | +--Controllers Contains the archives and header files for Component Control Core | +--Documentation README (this file) and other installed documentation | +--GlobalDefinitions Contains common header files | +--MotoCoder The collection of code generation tools used to interface with Component Control Core | +--ControlCoreClassic Archives and header files for Control Core Classic (5xx-based modules) | +--Toolchains Archives for interfacing with the RTW API. After opening MATLAB, you should see something like: ------------------------------------------- Initializing MotoHawk... For: MATLAB 7.8 to 7.12 Version: 2011a_SP0 Installed in: C:\Program Files\Woodward\MotoHawk\2011a_SP0 Ready. ------------------------------------------- >> - Type "motohawk_project('NewProject')" at the MATLAB command prompt to create a new template project, containing an example application. - Simply press CTRL-B to build the project. - Two files will be generated, an .SRZ and a .DLL file, which will be installed into your C:\ECUFiles\Programs and C:\ECUFiles\TDBDLL directories, respectively. - Type "help motohawk" to get more help on command-line scripts. Please visit our website at for more information about the product, hardware documentation, known bugs, feature requests, and more! Version History: 2011a_SP0 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.12.4 Migration Notes: -See previous migration notes if upgrading from older versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf7409 : 2011a: Add MATLAB R2009bsp1 support MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf7349 : 2011a, ECMOH: Configure VR zero crossing as rising edge artf7366 : 2011a SP0 - S12XE - For late OC matches, force appropriate timer interrupt artf7460 : 2011a SP0 - Classic - Revert PCM128 CS timings to pre artf4116 artf7485 : 2011a SP0 - Classic - Amend GCC linker file generator to expose __ghsbegin_tpubpararam artf7486 : 2011a: Data definition by reference port does not produce the right code for matrices and ClassicControlCore modules 2011a_beta4 Type: Customer Specific Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.12.3 Migration Notes: -See previous migration notes if upgrading from older versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf6693 : MATLAB 2011a : Create MCC files and enable ML 2011a in MotoHawk artf7048 : Add InterCPU support to LECM-5566 and LECM-5553 module descriptors artf7136 : Add MPC5644A core to Component Control Core artf7144 : Define MPC5644A registers artf7199 : Add Flexible Encoder to LECM-5566-180-041-1100-xS artf7217 : Add EfiFPGA and MainFPGA objects to LECM 5566/5553 module descriptor artf7223 : Add 36 Minus 2 encoder Pattern to MotoCoder artf7238 : ECM OH: Add Thermistor Analog to Main Core artf7280 : Add Security archives for MPC5644A to MotoHawk artf7282 : eTPU: Add 14k variants of Universal and Basic Masks artf7283 : Move ethernet include paths from LECM-5553/6 descriptor to the FEC xls file artf7287 : Add support for MPC5644A security builds in MotoHawk artf7297 : Update NANT binaries to 0.86.12 and Add PagedCompressor.exe artf7309 : ECMOH: Add support for legacy encoder block artf7318 : Notify an S12 user that FreqIn notification does not work artf7319 : Prevent VR warning on S12X FreqIn VR Input artf7320 : Add Nomi based diagnostic support to the OneShot behavior artf7321 : Decouple Open Load Detection via Nomi artf7328 : Move ECM-S12X-070 FrequencyInput DGIn channels on PortJ to XGATE core artf7329 : ECM-S12X-070: MotoCoder_Services_CRC.c does not calculate CRC correctly over all paged memory areas MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf5870 : Add GCC support for external RAM linkage of some variables in ADCAngleVector artf7210 : Remove "motohawk_why.m" and "thaxton.m" artf7211 : ECM OH: Correct encoder multiplexer setup artf7215 : ECM OH: Move Pseudo Encoder to eTPU A1 artf7218 : Add watchdog enable functionality in LECM Watchdog_Reset function. artf7222 : ECM OH: Add VCAL Analog Resource to Main Core artf7235 : S12XE - Prevent setting of PSP_CPU_CAM_OCCURRED once transition to Sequential has occured artf7242 : MC33810 - Remove processor family test for MC33810_OnNomiEvent artf7246 : MotoHawk Encoder Angle Extrapolation - Correct error artf7247 : Update motohawk_fault_lib.tlc to consider no fault definitions and at least one fault action artf7256 : 2011a : Add initialization for Block Pointer to OBD Fault Manager Definition block artf7310 : S12 - Remove MotoCoder_Services_CRC.c: WARNING C1860: Pointer conversion: possible loss of data artf7311 : S12 - Ensure IsCalMemDifferent reads flash correctly. artf7314 : Use PWork instead of DWork for pointer values in previous fault blocks artf7317 : Classic - HBridge on ECM48_0701 rectify enable and disable functions 2011a_beta3 Type: Customer Specific Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.12.2 Migration Notes: -See previous migration notes if upgrading from older versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf6963 : Allow a "Reset" option during jump to programming in KeySuite/ToolInterface artf7010 : Update LECM-5553 module support for SPI slave instances artf7047 : Add PGA280 support to LECM-5566 module descriptor artf7094 : Move MPC5xxx Interrupt Vector Table to ModuleSupport artf7098 : Add FPGA watchdog and power supply driver for LECM modules artf7112 : Add support for MPC55xx Multiplexed QADC inputs artf7125 : Add Major Versions to account for ECM OH MPC564x core variants artf7128 : Move eQADC MUX pins initialization to Module support artf7150 : Optimize the InterProcessor SPI communication artf7152 : 2011a: Add MATLAB 2010bSP1 support artf7165 : Define MPC56xx family processor defn artf7175 : Move Signal Interface Config from Flexible Encoder Bolt-On to MotoHawk artf7181 : Add PCA8565 RTC driver for LECM artf7203 : ECM OH: Set NCV751x short circuit thresholds to 50% MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf6638 : Create an eTPU function for IIC two wire bus artf6960 : Add lwIP/API to the release distribution in MotoCoder make_release.js artf6980 : Add Single Master IIC to GenAPI and support on LECM artf7052 : Increase the Scratch pad size for PGA280 Read command artf7073 : Correct utilDeleteIODefinition warning when mexing artf7087 : MCServiceBankedESTLastEncoderStateArr length needs to be the size of EST outputs not INJ outputs artf7092 : Clarify Min Duration operation on all PSP blocks artf7146 : eQADCQueue class: remove CPUName from dependency to the eQADCmodule artf7159 : ECM OH: Correct SPKDUR 2 eTPU channel in PreDV artf7166 : Don't abort MC33810 device setup on error artf7174 : Flexible Encoder: Correct Long/Short Pulse Interface artf7200 : Flexible Encoder: Correct GCC Warnings artf7205 : Clear Overflow byte on PW capture in eTPU Input Capture 2011a_beta2 Type: Customer Specific Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.12.1 Migration Notes: -See previous migration notes if upgrading from older versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf6077 : Add MotoHawk OBD Fault Manager to the MotoHawk Installation artf6429 : Add interprocessor SPI Master support to SharedComponents artf6430 : Add interprocessor SPI Slave support to SharedComponents artf6541 : Add Module Descriptor for the S12 quizzer target in ECM OH module artf6562 : Add ECM OH Switched Mode Driver Diagnostics artf6596 : Add eTPU Input Capture Support artf6708 : Add elements to ECM5554-112-090x ORDC resource artf6825 : Add Online Calibration capability to ECM-5566-112-043 family artf6837 : Add support for SPI Slave in ControlCore MPC55xx artf6843 : Add InputCapture PulseWidth recover method to MotoCoder artf6878 : LECM MemoryMap - move heap to external RAM artf6899 : Add possibility to create Worker tasks in board descriptors artf6916 : Modify LECM module descriptors to include MPC55xxObjects artf6924 : Add KeySwitch/KeepAlive resources to LECM-5566-180-041-11xx_Objects.xml artf6926 : Add comments to generated code in KeySuite_Manager_OnModuleSupportClose artf6947 : Add UEGO CJ125 Support to ComponentControlCore artf6948 : Add CJ125 SPI Device Support to Component ControlCore artf6992 : Install 6MHz eMIOS frequency for those MPC5xxx cores running at 126MHz artf6995 : Flexible Encoder: Detect half cycle error artf6997 : LECM-SNTP protocol separate template artf7001 : Add MC33810 Maxi and Spark Duration signals as Input Capture roots to ECM-55xx-112-04x Hardware artf7008 : Add support for S12G processor based archives in SharedComponents artf7009 : MotoCoder: Add support for S12G builds artf7025 : Add module support archive for GCM-5566-068-047 artf7045 : Release the ECM-55xx-112-04x Hardware to MotoHawk artf7126 : Add ECM OH OneShot support to INJ and SPK/EST Outputs MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf6566 : Increase stack reserve in MotoCoderTransform.exe due to increased stack demand on Win64 platform artf6664 : ECSM - Alter to support chip errata 1793 artf6691 : MATLAB 2011a : Change ::DataTypes to DataTypes in RTW TLC artf6849 : Change ControlCoreClassic and TPU Classic to use SaxonicaTransform.exe artf6861 : ECSM - Implement errata #1651 for MPC5554 artf6880 : MPC55xx: Execute Timer_Watchdog_Refresh callback during flash erase and program artf6904 : Fix address calculation and comparison in ModuleSupport artf6908 : Remove duplicate root for LoadShareOut in LECM-5566-180-041-1100-xS artf6909 : Remove trailing ")" in ECM 1200 linker file artf6944 : LECM-5566-180-041-1100-xS Module Support : Ensure ModuleSupport_PowerSupply_Create is called during application startup artf6967 : Flexible Encoder: Correct Phase End of Window calibration definition artf6969 : S12 Processor Archive: Add S12G support artf6982 : Flexible Encoder: Remove reliance of channel switch to detect phase artf6984 : Flexible Encoder: Source to flag fault on detection of an absent key artf6988 : Flexible Encoder: Ensure that a Loss Companion creates artf6994 : SIU - Add SIU_PadFunction_ApplyAsBidirectionalOpenDrain() artf6999 : Change the ISR merge of eTPU channels from "add" to "unique" artf7004 : Escape quotes in LongIdentifier field of ASAP2 file artf7022 : S12: Correct Port-T Frequency Input, Inputcapture mask logic artf7027 : Add module descriptor and image for GCM-5566-068-047 artf7033 : Code generation of S_FlexCAN2RuntimeConfig array incorrect if not all modules supported artf7074 : 2011a: Use mxDestroyArray() instead of mxFree when destorying mxArray artf7115 : 2011a : OBD Fault Manager : Fault Actions need to update properly 2011a_beta1 Type: Customer Specific Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.12.0 Migration Notes: -See previous migration notes if upgrading from older versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf6040 : Create eTPU Mask based upon Universal Encoder artf6041 : Create Universal Encoder eTPU Primitive artf6139 : Add (ThreadSafe)calloc to the FreeStore API artf6192 : Create ModuleConfig Version 5 struct which adds Ethernet artf6195 : Update MotoCoder tool interface to understand V5 module definition structure artf6250 : Integrate NAnt version 0.86.10 into MotoCoder artf6254 : Add MotoCoder support for the Universal Encoder artf6278 : Modify MPC55xx crank synchronous behaviors to be Universal Encoder compatible artf6279 : Add Freescale libdsp2 resource to board descriptors artf6280 : MPC55xx - Add symbols in liker file to expose application and calibration regions artf6284 : Install MotoHawk 2011a licensing artf6291 : Add MailBox_Destroy() API to MPC55xx Processor artf6294 : Modify motohawk_sfun_sec_encoder_offset.tlc to be MotoCoder compatible artf6297 : Add Security archive generation for MPC5553 CPU artf6300 : Add MPC5553 RTW archives to MotoHawk artf6368 : Alter MotoHawk blocks so that they may be used with the Universal Encoder artf6378 : ControlCoreClassic - Add MY10 P128L704 support artf6380 : Expose 14 Volt ADC to MotoHawk artf6387 : Add method to deduce the TCRCLK pin associated with an eTPU Channel artf6401 : MPC55xx - ControlCore add ECC error reporting support artf6408 : Add Axiom-0365-Rev-E (MPC5553) Module support archive artf6409 : Add MPC5xxx FEC ethernet link driver for lwIP artf6410 : Add MotoCoder Code Template for lwIP and MPC5xxx ethernet MAC artf6414 : MemoryFault - Add Motocoder support artf6428 : Add Axiom 0365 Rev E (MPC5553EVB) MotoCoder Module artf6432 : Add CRC16 to Utilities artf6433 : Add Major Versions to account for ECM OH Hardware artf6435 : Add ECM OH Module Support Archives to Component ControlCore artf6439 : Add support for NCV7517 to Generic Device Driver artf6440 : Expose MC33810 to MPC55xx Targets artf6526 : Install a software triggered single conversion of an eQADC channel artf6538 : Add ECM-55xx-112-04x-1200-xS Module Descriptors artf6539 : Add major versions to account for ECM OH Monitor CPU artf6563 : 2011a: Add support for MATLAB 2010b artf6607 : Add LZMA compression library artf6610 : Remove lwIP EERNO redefinitions artf6635 : Add LECM-5566-180-041 "Pizza box" ModuleSupport artf6636 : Add support for PGA280 (SPI Programmable Gain Control) in Generic Device Driver artf6645 : Add support for the TLE6282 for an MPC5xxx core artf6692 : MATLAB 2011a : Add new toolboxes to the motohawk_check_rtw function artf6695 : Relax tolerance on location of shifted tooth in TPU X Shift 1 primitive artf6696 : Add device driver for MC25LC512 Serial EEPROM artf6702 : Remove MOTOTRON_APPLICATION_BLOCK_BYTESIZE from Global Definitions artf6724 : Install Frequency Input Behavior Support on ECM-55xx-112-04x Cam artf6731 : ECM-55xx-112-04x: Disable Micro's Pull Devices on input pads with external pull devices and enable hysteresis artf6732 : ECM-55xx-112-04x: Add H-Bridge Support artf6744 : Add Module support for LECM knock processor LECM-5553-180-042 artf6747 : Add MemoryWalk roots to MotoCoder artf6748 : MotoCoder bolt-on transforms artf6761 : Add support for S12G security builds in MotoHawk artf6763 : Add updated security archives to MotoHawk for S12G artf6781 : Add S12G RTW archives to MotoHawk artf6786 : ECM-55xx-112-04x: Add eTPU Module Configuration artf6824 : Add LECM SDU Module Descriptors artf6830 : ECM-55xx-112-04x: Install serial EEPROM in Module Descriptor artf6832 : Add Output Enable control to MemoryMappedGPIO MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf4437 : Several Vista Blocks do not link to their Help HTML files properly artf6281 : PCM09 - ModuleDescriptor define CRC resource artf6287 : Add filtered VR option to CCM1001 artf6292 : Fix external address bus pad selection for Axiom 0404 Module Support artf6299 : Add Interlocked_Get(dest,src) to Interrupt_GenAPI.h artf6305 : MotoCoder - Add CRCCalc support and optimise existing CRC service artf6308 : motohawk_clean_repository_files must remove _svn directory and .patch files artf6309 : Make PCM09 Crank Multiplexer Select Digital Outputs dependant upon the VISTA artf6323 : motohawk_component_lib.tlc should use sSetOutputPortOptimOpts, not ssSetOutputPortReusable artf6383 : Correct eTPU_ParameterFrame_Ofs_Get() artf6393 : Account for MPC5566's larger eTPU parameter RAM artf6413 : Add implementation for Task_Activate Task Kernel Gen API artf6419 : MemoryFault - Problems with GCC Compiler artf6426 : Correct IODefinition string handling in motohawk_mex_util_lib artf6437 : Fix MotoCoder make_release.js to correctly release lwIP sources artf6462 : Have TLC error when batch setup encounters odd number of cylinders artf6464 : MPC55xx - ControlCore ECC rectify incorrect address return artf6499 : Expose DG7 and DG8 as FrequencyIn for GCM_0563_048_0801.m artf6500 : Correct eTPU PSP Simulation Files for changes to PSP Primitive artf6502 : Correct eTPU PSP Link operation artf6511 : Expose alternate eMIOS FreqIn Create that will result in less code artf6516 : MotoHawkTokenGUID and MotoHawkBuildGUID should report different value in MotoTune artf6527 : Freescale libdsp2 resource needs to be renamed artf6529 : Rename MPC5xxx FEC register field names to avoid collision with ERI #defines artf6536 : ControlCoreClassic - Remove 8bit Write verify in Prosak artf6552 : Fix MPC55xx EBI initialisation macro inconsistiency artf6593 : Allow MIOS VarCam Handler to support 4 equidistant teeth per cycle artf6595 : S12XE - Get universal timestamp in Pseudo rather than calculate artf6598 : S12 - Initialise encoder to zero speed on Create artf6606 : MotoCoder - Ensure all PSP xsl matches are = rather than eq artf6651 : Correct X+1 cam primitive's memory overlap with PSP state artf6663 : Move External SRAM from 0x3ff8xxxx to 0x3F00xxxx in Axiom0404 artf6681 : ECM-55xx-112-04x Corrections: LSO7, SPK2, SPK6 artf6686 : Parameterize RAM_CALIBRATION_START_ADDRESS and RAM_CALIBRATION_END_ADDRESS in ComponentControlCore_Application.xsl artf6698 : ECM-55xx-112-04x: Add control of ODRC to enable functionality on ASIC outputs artf6700 : ECM-55xx-112-04x: Correct Pseudo Encoder Square Wave Resource artf6704 : UniversalEncoder: Correct pseudo encoder interrupt handling for non shared architecture artf6706 : Resolve-uri is not passed a vaild uri in GenerateMasks.xsl artf6712 : Replace fixed MPC5xxx eMIOS Tick Timer setup with data driven system artf6754 : Inline the ADC bit resolution shifting logic in the VISTA codetemplate artf6760 : Update NANT binaries to 0.86.11 artf6768 : Fix the PGA280 read with checksum command artf6780 : Set ECM-5566-112-043-1200-xS ReleaseStatus to NightlyBuild artf6783 : Update GetSwRevisionTxt to artf6797 : Add missing IO pad definitions to MPC5566 pin descriptor artf6798 : LECM-5566-180-041 ModuleSupport : Add initialisation of unused IO and CoCPU Reset line artf6800 : MPC55xx: Have eTPU links account for the eTPU engine artf6811 : Universal Encoder: Correct PCM09 scheduler resource artf6816 : MPC55xx: Enable CANTX pull-up pad configuration artf6823 : LECM ModuleSupport - Support Serial EEPROM artf6863 : Add missing xsl:next-match from mc-bolt-on-transforms 2010b_sp0_1 Type: Customer Specific Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder Migration Notes: -See previous migration notes if upgrading from older versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf6077 : Add MotoHawk OBD Fault Manager to the MotoHawk Installation artf6307 : Add New States to OBD Fault Manager that allows UDS Service $19 to function artf6312 : Add "Set" block to OBD Fault Manager artf6318 : Quantum Branch - Install CPU Family Specific Interlocked Methods into ControlCore artf6319 : Quantum Branch - MPC55xx - Add symbols in liker file to expose application and calibration regions artf6320 : Quantum Branch - PCM09 - ModuleDescriptor define CRC resource artf6321 : Quantum Branch - MotoCoder - Add CRCCalc support and optimise existing CRC service artf6351 : Add "Failed Last Drive Cycle" State to OBD Fault Manager artf6358 : OBD Fault Manager : Add option for selecting Suspected X/Y Count Data Type artf6364 : MotoCoder bolt-on transforms artf6416 : Quantum Branch - MPC55xx - ControlCore add ECC error reporting support artf6417 : Quantum Branch - MemoryFault - Add Motocoder support artf6565 : Port changes from Quantum Branch (2010b Beta 4 base) to be in a branch based on 2010b SP0 artf6597 : 2010b Quantum: Add MemoryWalk roots to MotoCoder MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf6080 : motohawk_gen_pcode.m must handle spaces artf6260 : Change $hex-local-max-pid-number to use the $local-max-pid-number artf6314 : Global Enable should allow the "Fault Clear" operation to proceed artf6316 : MotoHawk OBD Fault blocks and ISO15765 bolt-on blocks should use sSetOutputPortOptimOpts, not ssSetOutputPortReusable artf6325 : New States in OBD Fault Manager need to be added as fault action conditions artf6463 : Quantun Branch - MPC55xx - ControlCore ECC rectify incorrect address return artf6509 : Quantum Branch - MemoryFault - Problems with GCC compiler 2010b_sp0 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.11.5 Migration Notes: -See previous migration notes if upgrading from older versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf6381 : 2010b: Expose 14 Volt ADC to MotoHawk MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf6549 : 2010b : Add popup message to NSIS installation to show required dependencies artf6384 : 2010b: Correct eTPU_ParameterFrame_Ofs_Get() artf6503 : 2010b: Correct eTPU PSP Link operation artf6551 : 2010b - ControlCoreClassic - Add MY10 P128L704 support artf6550 : 2010b - ControlCoreClassic - Remove 8bit Write verify in Prosak artf6289 : 2010b: Add filtered VR option to CCM1001 artf6555 : 2010b: Increase stack reserve in MotoCoderTransform.exe due to increased stack demand on Win64 platform artf6350 : 2010b: motohawk_component_lib.tlc should use sSetOutputPortOptimOpts, not ssSetOutputPortReusable 2010b_beta5 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.11.4 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. -Starting with this release, MotoHawk requires Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 sp1 and v3.0. To obtain both, install v3.5 sp1 available at MotoHawk New Features: artf5775 : Add Freescale MPC5xxx DSP library support to ComponentControlCore artf5961 : Support eTPU on MPC5566 platforms running at a System Frequency of 126MHz artf6100 : Add pulse inhibit feature to the eTPU PSP primitive artf6177 : Install PSP module descriptor attribute that will skip pad creation on MPC5xxx cores artf6203 : eTPU PSP primitive to support more than 16 pulses artf6212 : MPC55xx : Add newlib stubs to support the use of printf with GCC artf6236 : Add alignment includes in GlobalDefinitions artf6239 : Support 60M2 crank, X+1 cam encoder on MPC5xx targets MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf6080 : motohawk_gen_pcode.m must handle spaces artf6118 : MC33810 - Implement support for MaxDwell artf6178 : Add Angle Trigger Dispatcher based upon PSP to MotoCoder artf6185 : MPC55xx - Support CAN Error diagnostics artf6197 : Correct MotoCoder Mid TDC Operation artf6210 : Change AN32 and AN33 to have 0-5 V reference on Visteon 112 pin modules artf6211 : Tasking Kernel : Fix initialisation of sync objects artf6257 : Reserve Universal Encoder Primitive in eTPU Mask Definition artf6271 : Add Encoder Interface support to the DE-ECU-5534-046-1002 artf6275 : TargetDef - PCM128 MY10 has no H2 and H3 2010b_beta4 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.11.3 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf5652 : Remove debug symbols for 'release' builds artf5892 : Update Security archives for BootSecurity and DefaultSecurity to include MPC5566 Support artf5936 : Add Global Enable State to the OBD Fault Manager in MotoCoder artf5942 : Add RTW libraries for MPC5566 CPU target artf5954 : Add ModuleSupport archive for Axiom0404 MPC5566 EVB artf5955 : Create eTPU BasicEngine mask for 20k eTPU code space artf5959 : Support Axiom-0404 MPC5566EVB as a MotoCoder target artf6063 : TPU - Replace duplicate code in MaskConfiguration.xml with macros artf6098 : Upgrade version of Saxon bundled with MotoHawk MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf5607 : Update rtwoption callback methods to use R14 names artf5703 : Remove motohawk_gen_datasheet from MotoHawk artf5776 : Fix Axiom MPC5554 Dev Board Target artf5830 : Rename all references to ShiftDD to ShiftSS and vice-versa artf5857 : Change Access Method used in OBD Fault Manager artf5865 : Correct Simulation operation with the Fault Iterator block artf5887 : Add support for MPC5566 processor based archives in SharedComponents artf5901 : Fix warning for CCPMaster Builds on i386-gcc artf5941 : Set Optimisation to -Os (Optimise for Size) for Processor MPC55xx using GCC artf6010 : Code Generation Error in BasicOut.xsl MotoCoder_DiscreteOutput_UpdateOnChange_Set() artf6013 : MotoCoder - Fix the size of the M1 Flash sector in various MPC555x CPU descriptors artf6020 : S12XE: Remove PinForce on late start match artf6049 : Verify calibration in NV emulated flash has changed before writing artf6050 : Make component GUID in gcc-win64-pe unique artf6053 : Remove improper calls to DataStoreReference for the CCP Slave Seed/Key blocks artf6099 : Create a version of Transform.exe which is tied to MotoHawk license artf6105 : Ensure that the exception vectors (IVORx) do not cross a 16 bit address boundary when using GCC artf6130 : Enhance MPC5xxx EMIOS PWM driver to handle Freescale errata artf6153 : Suppress CodeWarrior warning on missing DWARF debug info in archives artf6230 : Support MotoZip path that includes spaces in Component_Build.xsl 2010b_beta3 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.11.2 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: artf3727 : Implement 24 with 1 tooth retarded crankencoder on ControlCoreClassic artf5479 : Classic - Encoder 60-2 crank and a X+1 CAM artf5528 : Add motohawk_mexcleanhere function artf5538 : Add GCC win64 cross compiler to MotoHawk Installer artf5544 : Adjust EasyLink timing parameters for new revision of 112 pin hardware artf5571 : Add Timed Peak/Hold Behavior to MPC55xx artf5572 : Create MotoCoder templates to support TimedPeakHold and DiscretePeakHold that work with an MPC55xx core artf5582 : Add support of P Code and Help M file generation in Bolt On blocksets artf5595 : "motohawk_template_model.mdl" upgrade to MATLAB 7.5/R2007b artf5666 : Classic - Encoder 8+1 artf5668 : Add In Use Performance General Counter and Monitor Counters to MotoCoder MotoHawk Bug Fixes: artf4540 : Fix Injector Current Select mask and html help artf5118 : TargetDef - Add PCM128 MY10 details to help artf5465 : Classic - s4HardStopAngularDuration should be 0 when Start==Stop artf5476 : Ensure MATLAB integration is removed on uninstallation of MotoHawk artf5483 : Encoder interface in ECU555-48-0708 for 36-2 XPlus1 should be CNK_DG_CAM_DG artf5491 : Update X+1 CAM MPC5xx specific information artf5492 : Implement AR_1158 workaround to ClassicControlCore artf5493 : Correct the PSP pulse mode used in Transient Injection artf5498 : Describe what the minimum duration signal on Injector Sequence Block does artf5510 : Alter Enable Logic on Make-up pulse re-enable to protect against a missing pulse artf5519 : Have VISTA Knock Error if unique TDC Angles are not provided artf5532 : Fix storage class for 64 bit compatibility in motohawk_sfun_data_def and motohawk_sfun_data_reference artf5547 : Implement Output Compare eTPU Primitive artf5548 : Support the Peak/Hold behavior in MotoHawk artf5552 : Extend Help to describe Transient Injection artf5553 : Fix warning in motohawk_mex_util_lib.c during 64 bit debug builds with GCC artf5560 : Classic - N34 encoder can be treated as having no missing teeth artf5564 : Remove duplicate (but harmless) code in motohawk_dout_lib.tlc artf5570 : Classic - Create Mask TPU_N12_T_MUX and Remove RPMVector from all TPU masks artf5576 : TPU - Use macros to alias CalcPeriodRatio and CheckToothMtch artf5577 : Support Independant Peak Timing Accessors in ControlCoreClassic artf5578 : Ensure ERI tables are always linked to the final image artf5581 : MPC5xx modules when compiled by GCC links ERI Request tables in the wrong section artf5606 : Correct MuxPSP TLC generated prototypes to use const pointers artf5610 : Correct injector sequence's assumptions that MC resource is 'INJ' artf5623 : S12XE: Reschedule Start pulse when it occurs in same tooth as Stop artf5649 : MATLAB-specific #defines need to be moved to MotoHawk from the S12 MotoCoder build template artf5656 : Transient - Clip max duration to primary pulse hardstops artf5661 : Remove Quadrature PhaseZ support from eTPU capable modules artf5669 : Remove motohawk_reg_struct from MotoHawk artf5689 : Current Output block - Improve help artf5691 : ECM128: Make GCC memory map consisent with GHS artf5714 : Transient - Set transient timing to zero when full primary duration is being delivered artf5715 : S12XE: Transient - On back to back pulses, update timings before proximity test artf5738 : Zero TPU Parameter RAM in GCC artf5758 : Mark the MPC55xx GCC linker section BootMailBox_bss as NOLOAD to supress initialised data artf5759 : Cancel all pending interrupts as part of Reboot artf5789 : Make TLE7368 re-entrant to prevent possible false watchdog artf5810 : Remove polled watchdog refresh calls from MPC55xx flash erase/write artf5819 : Remove incorrect packing around S_DiagnosticsCreateAttributes in DeviceDrivers/Diagnostics_Behavior_API.h artf5826 : Change Access Method used in Fault Manager 2010b_beta2 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.11.1 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf1516 : Change Digital Output block to use Name interface -artf4165 : CC - EncoderEmulator - Remove support -artf4797 : TargetDef - Place link in TargetDef help that points to module crossreference -artf4887 : Update MH module images -artf5071 : Classic - Allow scheduling of PSP close to stop if long pulse -artf5107 : Install back-to-back pulse scheduling capability into the eTPU -artf5127 : Convert motohawk_mexall/one/here to use Microsoft SDK compiler/cross compiler rather than MATLAB7/LCC -artf5132 : TargetDef - Add DocumentationBuild to MH release process -artf5150 : Make motohawk_ert_rtw_wrap_make_cmd_hook use a new M script motohawk_matlab_platform() to determine correct path to gmake -artf5152 : Update motohawk_gcc_XXX_directory to check in wow6432 node on 64 bit OS hosts -artf5157 : Make motohawk_version_selector enumerate MATLAB 64 bit editions separately -artf5189 : Apply work-around for encoder definition block crashing MATLAB R2010a -artf5216 : Remove J1850 blocks and supporting code -artf5224 : Allow the extensions file mechanism to use xpath expressions which are not limited by deep-equal comparisons -artf5239 : PCM128 MY10 - Set eDriverMode for EST9-12 to be LowSide -artf5334 : OBD Fault Manger : Add Permanent State -artf5356 : Encoder - 12Shift1 Advanced 720Deg on Classic Targets -artf5425 : Add Function to Plot the Distribution of Blocks within a Model -artf5435 : Optimise motohawkrc/motohawk_directory.m to use motohawk_hklm_Software_value.m -artf5436 : Update NANT binaries 0.86.9.woodward. Update matching MotoParser.exe/MotoParserXML.exe -artf5463 : DE-ECU DV: Add Module support for DV PROD and DEV modules -artf5482 : DE-ECU DV: Add module descriptor -artf5504 : Add Custom Field updates to the MotoCoder OBD Fault Manager Service MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf4569 : TPU - Improve library build speed by only including necessary files -artf4945 : OBD Fault Manager : Increment Pending X and Y counts when Drive Cycle Ends -artf5029 : Fix MotoCoder MultiplePSP to to work with "PSP End Trigger" and "Injector Pulse Complete Trigger" MH Blocks -artf5070 : MH - 2010b - Remove Encoder Emulator blocks -artf5142 : Update motohawkrc/motohawk_directory.m to check in wow6432 node on 64 bit OS hosts -artf5159 : TargetDef - Fix incorrect module data -artf5186 : Correct versions of MATLAB supported in installer -artf5193 : Add update lockout to eTPU PSP's predictive start on update -artf5197 : OBD Fault Manager : Drive Cycle should be a trigger -artf5199 : Always issue "link" event in CDPeak eTPU code -artf5200 : TargetDef - Filter input files to and add ReleaseStatus to valid ModuleDescriptors -artf5201 : Fix IVOR0, IVOR1 and IVOR2 for the MPC55xx cores -artf5209 : Add "ERROR" to terminating messages in PSPOutput_Common.xsl -artf5210 : Fix enable race condition in motohawk_sfun_injector_sequence.tlc -artf5220 : OBDFaultManager and FaultManager need to have different Data Store Names -artf5233 : Sign installer and version selector with the Woodward publisher key -artf5257 : Don't run version selector interactively in autobuild -artf5358 : Correct motohawk_sfun_injector_sequence.tlc to handle a single cylinder -artf5410 : TargetDef - Set title of CrossReference to 'Module Cross Reference' -artf5411 : MotoCoder Classic Builds - Prevent EstConvert from running if it does not exist -artf5426 : Set MPC5534's FLASH_BIUCR register correctly -artf5427 : Correct the application of the MPC5534's MMU settings -artf5432 : Alter to use the new task attribute "successcode" -artf5437 : Sign PowerPC GCC installers with the Woodward Digital Certificate -artf5447 : Update installer to use win32-pe SP1 -artf5448 : Ensure that win32-pe uninstallation cleans up registry when done. -artf5453 : Configure the XBAR for MPC55xx Cores -artf5454 : Classic - Move woodward.css as it gets deleted by Doxygen -artf5466 : Expand AddCustomPostBuildScriptCode TLC to allow fully formed extensions -artf5485 : DocumentationBuilder - ensure target xhtml is produced for all modules when showall=true -artf5486 : Correct TCR2Comp value used by eTPU PSP -artf5487 : Clean up eTPU Global Usage -artf5503 : Add a "Get All Valid Values" option for the motohawk_enum class in MotoHawk -artf5516 : Fix warning "PRJ0052 : Referenced assembly ..." when building MEX dll's with Microsoft compiler -artf5563 : Update to use gcc -shared instead of dlltool -artf5598 : Modify GCC start-up code to handle sections that are not word sized -artf5624 : Add 64bit licensing proxy stub to MotoHawk installer -artf5625 : Move MotoHawk Version Selector registry cleanup to the correct uninstallation section 2010b_beta1 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.11.0 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf4567 : Update ClickwrapLicense.txt to reflect Woodward -artf4786 : TargetDef - Create base module descriptors for Classic targets -artf4788 : TargetDef - Create build system to create help for target selection -artf4789 : TargetDef - Add Alias information to all Module Descriptors -artf5120 : Amend "ratio" treatment of frequency based closure detect on the MPC55xx MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf4151 : Alter Chip Select Timings for Parallel EEPROM on PCM128 ControlCoreClassic -artf4618 : Remove unnecessary eTPU mask builds from the build scripts -artf4889 : Quadrature - eTPU - LastDirn_Z needs to be initialised -artf4914 : Amend RefreshUnusedChanInterface() to consider if channel is capable -artf4977 : S12 Family: MemoryAccess APIs to support FAR addressing Read and Write -artf5119 : MusPSP - Remove reference in help to motohawk_cc_documentation -artf5144 : PIM-5554-060-0801-xD set ReleaseStatus to Nightly -artf5146 : Update NANT to nant-0.86.8.woodward -artf5160 : Restore removal of licensing mex source files regression from SVN14659 to SVN14994 motohawk_release.m -artf5163 : Install MotoHawk 2010b licensing -artf5167 : Correct DualPSP trigger code to correct the occurence of build errors -artf5172 : DGInWithOverride_API.h: extern S_DGInOverride_Defn_Encoder before it is referenced 2010a_beta6 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.10.5 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf4709 : Make motohawkrc aware of Side By Side Install Locations -artf4759 : Add DIN1 through DIN11 MPC5534 pad configurations to DE-ECU -artf4767 : Help - XPlus1 CAM, clarify phase and exclusion zone -artf4778 : Implement re-try function in Switch Mode Driver -artf4810 : Add acceptance bounds to the CDPeak eTPU primitive -artf4829 : Ensure .NET assemblies can exist side-by-side -artf4831 : Use MATLAB R2007b for prepare_release -artf4852 : Simplify Archive destination in motohawk_release -artf4907 : Add Alternate Closure Detection Method using Switching Period to MPC55xx -artf4952 : Create the MotoHawk Active Version Selector tool -artf4965 : Create the Legacy (re)Integration Tool -artf4967 : 2010a: Add support for MATLAB 2010a -artf4979 : Add DualPSP Support to MotoCoder -artf4993 : Implement "Apply" and "Quit" buttons in MotoHawk Version Selector -artf5007 : Release the DE-ECU-5534-046-1001 module as ReleaseRestricted -artf5018 : Update motohawk_version_selector.exe due to motohawkrc being altered for MATLAB 2010a support -artf5027 : Upgrade licensing to MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf4708 : Motocoder\TDB\ needs default handler -artf4745 : Install the eTPU Filter Configuration used by the DE-ECU into the Module Descriptor -artf4753 : Install digital filter functionality into DE-ECU frequency inputs -artf4768 : MotoCoder should error if application requested module resources are not present in the module descriptor -artf4776 : Install "do nothing" Output Fault Status support on the DE-ECU -artf4780 : Add new BootInterface.h enumerations and protocol enumeration -artf4795 : ModuleDescriptor - Ensure S12 Targets Manufacturer = Continental -artf4796 : Extend MH_Help1.css -artf4801 : CC - EncoderSynthesizer, set DG4 TPU channel to C_TPUCH10 - PCM128 -artf4808 : Declare Component NonVolatileDefault and Component NonVolatileWork structures in unique sections -artf4811 : Delete BasicOut FaultStatus template -artf4814 : CCP Slave structure declarations multiply defined -artf4830 : Prevent build failure if MotoTune is not installed -artf4837 : Quadrature - Rectify incorrect Posn and RevCount error report -artf4838 : 2010a - Quadrature Decoder eTPU Primitive - Initialize all HiRate flags -artf4908 : H2 Status Line Incorrect for ECM-5554-112--0902 modules -artf4916 : MPC5xx GCC: use ALIGN(4) directive rather than ". + ALIGN(4)" at section start -artf4917 : MPC55xx GCC linker file: refactor ramcals/romcals output sections -artf4924 : S12 NonVolatile data stores in components do not properly restore to factory defaults -artf4933 : motohawk_license_verification.vcproj has wrong dependency -artf4935 : Add task to NANT -artf4948 : CC - Set Encoder MinRatio = 0 for Plus1 encoders with <= 6 teeth per rev -artf4949 : Remove hardcoded current transform from ActiveCompByInflectDetectWithPeak.xsl -artf4953 : MotoHawk Active Version Selector Tool needs online help -artf4958 : Update the MotoHawk Mux PSP Help -artf4976 : S12XE: NV FormatID to be sourced from NEAR address -artf4989 : Ensure MotoHawk Version Selector validates MATLAB installs -artf4990 : Change to Woodward branding in TDB template files -artf4996 : motohawk_sfun_data_fixednv_mgr_gui does not assign result -artf5002 : Update MotoParser/MotoParserXML to use Woodward Branding in generated files -artf5003 : Complete HELP documentation content for MotoHawk Version Selector -artf5004 : Fix MotoHawk_lib.mdl to be compatible with MATLAB R2010a -artf5005 : Integrate updated binary for MotoConvert which fixes GCC section parsing issue -artf5008 : Update motohawk_internet_enable.m to use new registry locations -artf5021 : Fix DualPSP to work with "PSP End Trigger" and "Injector Pulse Complete Trigger" MH Blocks -artf5025 : motoHawk_version_requirements block needs to call motohawk_mlstr2vector with a different format -artf5028 : Remove unused InstallShield related assets -artf5031 : Add exit(x) to MATLAB script in -artf5037 : motohawkrc: Allow motohawk_compare_matlab_versions to exist as m-script or p-code -artf5038 : NSIS MotoHawk Installer misses XtremeToolkitPro.msm dependency -artf5040 : Cannot detect Component version number incompatibility -artf5041 : Change DE-ECU ReleaseStatus to ReleasedRestricted -artf5044 : Clean files left in the location given by motohawk_persistent_directory upon uninstallation -artf5052 : Ensure MATLAB integration is removed when motohawk_version_selector is uninstalled -artf5062 : S12XE: Move CC_STACK to coincide with HB's requested boot object location -artf5068 : Make naming of MotoHawk Version Selector consistent -artf5072 : Amend MotoHawk Help to indicate CAM input not usable by other behaviors when an Encoder Block exists -artf5083 : Make MATLAB versions list in ascending release order in motohawk_version_selector -artf5141 : Avoid close/open system calls from dialog callbacks which crash MATLAB R2010a -artf5149 : Correct DualPSP trigger code to correct the occurrence of build errors -artf5122 : DGInWithOverride_API.h: extern S_DGInOverride_Defn_Encoder before it is referenced -artf5161 : Internal 2010a_beta5 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.10.4 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf4529 : Add 48-2 Encoder range to DE-Pump module -artf4554 : Add SD1 DE-ECU Module Descriptor to MotoHawk -artf4555 : Create ModuleSupport Archives for DE-ECU -artf4560 : Update copyright notice in MotoHawk_Lib.mdl -artf4596 : Aesthetic Clean-up eTPU Machine Control Masks -artf4600 : Add support for the 25LC320 Serial EE in Device Drivers -artf4616 : Add MPC5534 to RTW archives -artf4617 : Add MPC5534 builds to hardware independent archives -artf4620 : MPC55xxFlash: Add MPC5534 support -artf4628 : Reduce the usage of xsl:import as this creates a performance bottleneck -artf4635 : Remove identity transform from VarDecs_Common.xsl -artf4652 : Add NSIS based MotoHawk Installation build scripts -artf4677 : CC - Add Encoder 36-2 with X+1CAM -artf4680 : Add MPC5534 builds to Nightly build MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf4017 : Remove references to MotoTron in other customer visible files -artf4028 : Classic into MotoCoder Step 3 : Move Build -artf4551 : Use of 'ISO_C' option causes generation error -artf4556 : Reserve Major HW version number for the DE-ECU family -artf4572 : Alter enum text for PCM0902 HWMaj as this also includes 0904 and CCM10xx -artf4573 : WIN32HOST_HWMAJ missing from E_MotoTronModuleHwMaj -artf4581 : Allow any non-programming CAN channels to be closed before KeySuite programming initiation -artf4582 : S12(X): Allow transmission buffers to empty before closing MSCAN modules in MSCAN_Close() -artf4585 : Remove Simulation memory leak in motohawk_sfun_fault_action.c -artf4589 : Correct "times" reported by Switch Mode Driver -artf4591 : Add MPC5534 Support to MPC55xx Family -artf4599 : Create Discrete Hold Power Supply -artf4605 : S12X: Make Default RPAGE dependent on RAM mapping -artf4609 : Add DE Pump (PWM12) of the S1 DE-ECU to the Module Descriptor -artf4612 : S12(X): All Wire-Or'd MSCAN channels not included in uAllowConnectOnCANMask -artf4629 : OBD Fault Manager Phase 2 - New content - Fault Actions, Fault Activity -artf4636 : S12(X): Close all open MSCAN modules at user application open -artf4648 : Fix Custom Security related issues after Control Core Classic build moved to MotoCoder -artf4650 : S12(X): Requested transient pulses shall update immediately -artf4678 : MH - Add Encoder 36-2 with X+1CAM -artf4683 : S12(X): Timer_FreeRunningCounter_Get32Bits() called after Timer is closed -artf4688 : 2010a: Remove "static" keyword from Frequency Input Notification function in Classic -artf4690 : motohawk_check_build_licenses needs new entries for "never_licensed_modules" -artf4694 : Add Happy Light as Discrete Output to DE-ECU S1 Module Descriptor -artf4698 : FUELP should be disabled in hardware when ESTOP is asserted on the Visteon 112 pin modules -artf4726 : MOTOCODER_DIR must be defined in the .bat file for Classic Builds. -artf4739 : Set eTPU Digital Filter Register field ETPU_TBCR::TCRCF to reset value -artf4740 : CC - Enable additional MototronProtocol Libs & remove build warning -artf4748 : GHS paths are too long in Classic Control Core builds -artf4750 : TPU - Add missing TPU_N12_XPLUS1CAM source files -artf4762 : Formatting of Tpu archive needed for MPC5xx builds can be improved -artf4869 : revert artf4582 : S12(X): Allow transmission buffers to empty before closing MSCAN modules in MSCAN_Close() 2010a_beta4 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.10.3 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf4161 : Rebuild RTW libraries to version 1.17 -artf4398 : Relocate the PPCLib directory to MotoCoder -artf4400 : Implement MC Interface for Active Compensation of PSP via Inflection Detection -artf4420 : Delete the motohawk_ppc_lib.m script -artf4421 : Move and rename the test compilation file -artf4446 : Add 48-2 Encoder range to ECM5554 (ECM112) Modules -artf4448 : Clear MC33810 Open Primary Fault when both non-faulty and previously observed -artf4462 : Install noise rejection algorithm into eTPU Closure Detect with Peak primitive -artf4475 : ControlCoreClassic changed locations, so Release scripts need to change -artf4480 : Allow transient behavior on banked injection sequences -artf4523 : ECM70-1002: Accurately describe delivered SPI clock frequencies -artf4536 : Implement Switch Mode Driver eTPU Primitive -artf4557 : Don't copy builds to aasharedrive MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf3331 : MPC5554 builds with GCC need to specify -mfloat-gprs -artf4163 : TPU - Replace NMAKE build -artf4335 : MotoCoder DataStore transform can create a VarDec with an unsupported Type -artf4407 : MC33810: Implement channel fault status buffering -artf4417 : TPU - Retify incorrect function code entries in TPUuCode.c -artf4418 : TPU - Rectify mask version information -artf4430 : Correct VarDec access level which can be generated incorrectly in some cases -artf4438 : Add the Target Definition block to the MATLAB/MotoHawk integrated help -artf4441 : S12(X): Set Phase Block implementation inconsistent with help text -artf4442 : S12(X): Prevent PSP time-duration stop event update during CAM sync -artf4466 : MC33810: Unnecessary rounding of SPI settings yield undesired SPI performance -artf4468 : OBD Fault Manager Phase 2 - MotoCoder changes - Update existing blocks with MIL Request, Previously Active and Emission-Related -artf4471 : TPU - Add relative path for motocoder.dir -artf4472 : TPU - Prevent being called by -artf4477 : 2010a b4: Sort analog periodic elements based on node -artf4479 : NCV7513: Unnecessary rounding of SPI settings yield undesired SPI performance -artf4497 : S12(X) - FM25CL64: Unnecessary rounding of SPI settings yield undesired SPI performance -artf4513 : TPU - EncSynthesizer - Initialise Synthesized tooth to 2x TCR2 in DoubleRate mode -artf4514 : CC - EncSynth - OutputInvert should consider inversions due to hardware -artf4535 : Rectify relative paths in build files following PPCLib move (artf4398) -artf4539 : Install support in MC for the Switched Mode Driver that will be used by the DECU -artf4545 : Prevent XML message in build output 2010a_beta3 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.10.2 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf4013 : Upgrade MotoHawk installer to use win32-pe 4.4.0 -artf4075 : Bedrock: Allow Drive EST outputs as MC33810 PSP's -artf4114 : S12(X): Utilize nomi InputCapture to detect open load conditions on MC33810 ESTOutputs -artf4115 : Add Start-of-Event Function Pointer to PSP GenAPI Object -artf4128 : S12(X): Enable frequency inputs on PORTJ -artf4129 : ECM70: Enable FrequencyIn on CAM module pin -artf4158 : CC - Hostcode interface for EncoderSynthesizer -artf4162 : MH - Add EncoderSynthesizer (artf3998) support -artf4164 : TPU - Support EncoderSyntheSizer on 60-2 Dual NoCAM encoder -artf4202 : ECM70: Enable FrequencyIn on CNK module pin -artf4203 : ECM70: Allow Peridioc Vector Sampling on AN6 -artf4205 : ECM70: Change CPUType of EST OneShot's to 'CPU' -artf4207 : ECM70: Increase CPU FreqIn HandlerPriority to minimize latency -artf4215 : S12(X): Use OuputCompare to generate pseudo RPM events -artf4243 : S12(X): Enable S_InputCaptureMethods_CPU::pfnSetCondition -artf4247 : SmartFire: Enable AN2 and AN6 as Periodic Analog Vector Elements -artf4257 : Release ECM70-1002 as 'StandardModule' -artf4259 : Reintegrate BootSecurity project into SVN trunk -artf4260 : Ensure BootSecurity archives are excluded from MotoHawk release -artf4274 : ECM70: Enable FrequencyIn on CNKDG module pin -artf4301 : Add Minimum expected Frequency attribute to FreqIn Defn Mask -artf4326 : Change the CCP Slave protocol handler to default to IDLE triggered -artf4332 : Add Inflection Detect Behavior with Peak Control to the MPC55xx API -artf4387 : MH - Add Support for 36+1 with 12+1 cam on MPC5xx targets -artf4390 : Add installer support for 2010a to support ML 2007b -artf4396 : S12(X): Disable MC33810 Open Primary Load Diagnostics by Default MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf4021 : S12(X): Allow 720 fueling on primary injection pulse when fully synchonized -artf4039 : Amend Synchronized PWM Child Help to allude to some limitations -artf4065 : Implement EncoderSynthesizer TPU Primitive (-artf3998) on MPC5xx, Hyundai60 Mask -artf4069 : Add Phase 1 OBD Fault Manager to MotoCoder -artf4100 : S12(X): PORTT-based tachometer outputs do not work. -artf4118 : XML vardecs in ClassicControlCore top level build file should not be built on a "clean" target -artf4152 : motohawk_send_data script should not report statistics in MATLAB 6.5.1 -artf4160 : Upgrade WindowsPC and Component-i386 to use win32-pe 4.4.0 -artf4172 : Fix WindowsPC PROD target build error -artf4183 : Column Vector Data Stores should be initialized properly -artf4191 : Fix PCM128 Var Cam operation on DG4M -artf4192 : Add Closure Detect with Peak Control eTPU primitives to ControlCore -artf4195 : motohawk_data_lib.tlc references functions which no longer exist -artf4197 : Unexpected ModuleCapability reported in MotoTune. -artf4236 : Code generation of CCP on S12X modules is incorrect. -artf4237 : Zero initialized volatile structures are not placed in Volatile_BSS_T -artf4245 : XGATE: Utilities file does not handle multiple OneShot nodes -artf4246 : XGATE: Freq Inputs may not take custom Name -artf4267 : Nissan Kohki - Rectify incorrect constants -artf4268 : Fix operation of calibrated number of cylinders in ProSAK -artf4269 : Prevent WatchDog with the While Iterator Simulink block in conjunction with the Fault Iterator -artf4270 : Eliminate update time memory leaks in utilDeleteFault and motohawk_sfun_fault_mgr S-Function -artf4276 : Add vardec help message to -artf4285 : CCP Block fails to build when the instance name is not "CCP1" -artf4293 : motohawk_sfun_nv_status.tlc needs to use the proper Data Store to report the NV status -artf4313 : Correct MotoHawk MPC5xx Frequency Input N trigger TLC to remove build error -artf4333 : OBD FM Phase 1 Changes - Drive Cycle, Add Fault Properties -artf4352 : S12(X): Pseudo Encoder does not fully desynchronize -artf4386 : CC - Add Support for 36+1 with 12+1 cam on MPC5xx targets -artf4392 : CC - Fix TPUuCode Build file for GCC builds -artf4393 : CCP Slave: Support new option for "Command Processor Busy" response when writing to slow memory -artf4394 : CCP Slave: Simplify the complexity of calculating CRCs over memory by ensuring operation within IDLE -artf4397 : CC - Fix static declaration in Resource_Encoder.c -artf4402 : CC - Initialize MPWM CNTR register on powerup -artf4406 : TPU - Add FreqAvg.uc to TPU_MASK_N34_P1 -artf4419 : CCP Slave: Bug in checksum calculation for MotoCoder builds 2010a_beta2 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.10.0 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf3836 : Bedrock: Allow XGATE to use calibration RAM -artf3914 : ECM70-1002: Only save calibrations for DEV MotoHawk builds -artf3932 : Classic into MotoCoder Step 1 : Move Data Stores -artf3937 : Classic into MotoCoder Step 2 : Move Vardecs -artf3981 : Allow module descriptor to override selected module capability -artf3982 : S12XE: Enable MPU to protect calibration RAM for PROD units -artf3983 : Optimize eTPU Encoder Wait For High Rate Complete -artf3985 : ECM70: Create common include files for module descriptors -artf3990 : S12(X): Uitilize missing teeth to schedule PSP events -artf3991 : Reserve PCM128 MY10 Hardware Minors -artf4023 : Make sectioning macros common accross module families -artf4031 : Enhance MotoCoder Data Vardecs to handle Bit Fields -artf4063 : Classic into MotoCoder : Move Time-Tracking functions -artf4120 : Alter eTPU PSP Primitive and associated host code to allow subsequent extension -artf4124 : Move atomic types into separate target/compiler specific header files -artf4139 : Extend eTPU PSP Primitive to allow it to signal other eTPU channels on pulse events MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf2320 : CCC MPC55xx - Add comment that S_CPU_SPISendMessage is redundant and could be removed -artf3815 : Fix typo in motohawk_dotnet_object error message -artf3950 : CC - ECM48_0703 Add to MH missing supported behaviours -artf3968 : Expose MotoParserXML access in Nant -artf3971 : Encoder Generic: Support PatternSpecific Parameter. -artf3995 : Optimize Detect Tooth Interrupt with eTPU Encoder Primitives -artf4001 : Upgrade win32-pe to 4_4_0 -artf4034 : Inline shifting logic in Analog Input driver on 5xx modules -artf4038 : Prevent Child PWM recreation in Classic ControlCore targeted TLC -artf4040 : FixedNonVolatile can be in an inconsistent order -artf4168 : Timer_FreeRunningCounter_GetDeltaUpdateReference_us function in Classic Module Family has incorrect reference -artf4169 : make_release.js script needs to include new Classic Module Families -artf4170 : MH 2010a B2 should support ML76-79 -artf4175 : Knock definition block build error -artf4177 : Fixed NonVolatile has a couple bugs in 2010a Beta 2 RC-B -artf4208 : Upgrade MH installer to handle GCC 4.4.0 merge module -artf4223 : Rebuild GCC 4.4.0 MSM w/o SVN folders 2010a_beta1 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.10.0 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf3742 : Add 12-bit Resolution and Scaling for DPF -artf3752 : Implement delay before attempt encoder Synchronization in MotoCoder and on MPC555x Targets -artf3853 : Alter N12 eTPU primitive to handle 60M4 and 3x20M2 style encoders -artf3919 : Remove References to MotoTron in TLC and Matlab scripts -artf3957 : Switch MotoHawk to use 2010a license MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf3899 : Integrate common license merge module with MotoHawk -artf3929 : Add fno-strict-aliasing to KeySuiteServer and BootMailBox builds for 55xx -artf3930 : CC - Fix erroneous Short diagnostic -artf3933 : Remove duplicate vardec for OSStatus in Classic ControlCore -artf3936 : Remove extra "end" from motohawk_assert -artf3940 : CC - Rectify scheduler table for 6P1 and EVO9 2X encoders -artf3947 : HCS12: "No Action" ECT channel action caused pin state change -artf3958 : Remove #warnings from KeySuiteServer -artf3961 : Some ClassicControlCore Vardecs are unusable -artf3963 : CC - EST Short - Rectify race condition in status capture -artf3969 : Correct 60 Minus 4 / 6+1 Cam MotoHawk Help -artf3978 : Alter FillDestinationFPRegisterWithDoubleValue() to correct exception on GHS4.2.1 build -artf3980 : Remove divide by zero in MotoHawk sample project 2009b_beta4 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.9.3 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf3349 : S12(X): Allow AppCompatabilityArr data to be specified by the module descriptor -artf3350 : S12(X): EE divisor relevant only for S12 modules -artf3677 : Add 36-1 CAM only pattern for KvT to S12 Modules -artf3728 : Implement 60M4 crank encoder in ControlCoreClassic -artf3729 : Implement 6+1 retarded cam encoder in ControlCoreClassic -artf3775 : Implement PMM_N34 TPU Primitive defined by doc3261 -artf3809 : S12X: Allow module descriptor to specify XGATE routine memory type -artf3810 : Create EP100-only module descriptor -artf3818 : S12X: Implement XGATE Execution Performance Metrics -artf3822 : S12: support 720 degree encoder patterns -artf3827 : support crank_dg as encoder input -artf3902 : S12(X): TimerISR node shall be included via ComponentControlCore_Objects MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf2808 : Order of [[Component]]_ConstantWork sections is inconsistent for GCC -artf2930 : Add 36x - 4-Stroke - Single-Tooth CAM to MotoCoder/PCM09 -artf3633 : Add 36-1 CAM only pattern for KvT to 55xx Modules -artf3715 : Move CC Classic build into MH scripts -artf3740 : Prevent MC33800 faults from being cleared and cached in the "clear" state -artf3772 : ControlCoreClassic: Update CAN baud rates -artf3776 : Fix warning for MPC5554 builds that include GenericEncoderInput_NMinusX_API.h -artf3780 : S12(X) - Prevent TCTL12 corruption -artf3782 : Fault Manager bit packing needs to change from 32 bit to 8 bit -artf3786 : CC - GCC Rebuild iif the target in the dep (.d) file doesn't match -artf3788 : Update motohawk_check_can to reference maximum correctly in warning message -artf3790 : S12(X)-Update tooth shall be serviced before edge delivery -artf3797 : CC - Reduce minimum rpm threshold of 6+1 encoder to below 76rpm -artf3799 : Add help for HBridge block -artf3804 : MotoCoder Encoder transform produces incorrect code when tooth angles are non-integral -artf3806 : Fix GCC inline assembly for timer access on ControlCoreClassic -artf3812 : Update 0902/0904 module image -artf3814 : TPU - Rectify, some encoders use unsafe comparison of OverFlow count -artf3817 : Fix Motohawk Application Monitor Help -artf3823 : Generic_Encoder: support odd number of missing teeth -artf3824 : Remove RevsPerCycle from module descriptors -artf3825 : S12: Ensure crank interface options are valid -artf3826 : Encoder_Generic: claim cpupin -artf3829 : Ccp Master: Support MTA Number in SET_MTA CCP command -artf3830 : Add Internal RAM Write Access to the MemWriteSynch handler of ControlCoreClassic -artf3831 : CC - EVO9 rectify incorrect calls to TPU SelfModifyToothRatio -artf3838 : Fix PROSAK QSPI by altering the order of PORTQS SPI idle states writes -artf3845 : S12X: Fix Spurious clear of pending XGATE-sourced CPU interrupt -artf3848 : Add help for OneShot Pulse Complete Trigger -artf3854 : Create help for MotoHawk PSP End Trigger -artf3855 : Create help file for MotoHawk Analog Output -artf3856 : Create help for fixed point conversion blocks -artf3885 : MotoHawk help should list Banked as an option for Injector Sequence block -artf3892 : S12X: Non-IOMerge ISR Nodes Shall Contribute to XGATE Stack Sizing -artf3893 : S12(X): Timer ISR shall include desired handler priority -artf3897 : Remove MotoTron references and replace with Woodward in Simulink model files -artf3898 : Tri-state 0904 half bridges when disabled via PWM block -artf3900 : Correct Multiple PSP Block Graphic to display correct units -artf3901 : Fault downsample does not simulate correctly. -artf3904 : Create help for Vista Knock Blocks -artf3905 : Vista Encoder On State Trigger is not properly passed the status parameter -artf3906 : Level shift Encoder OnError trigger for MPC55xx targets -artf3909 : Handle "Crank Teeth from CAM Edge to Crank Tooth 0" MotoHawk Encoder Attribute in Encoder.xsl -artf3910 : MotoHawk installation location should reflect Woodward -artf3913 : Get Last Encoder error indeterminate for MotoCoder targets -artf3915 : Update help to new template -artf3928 : GCC build warning tidy up for Component Control Core 5xx and S12 2009b_beta3 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.9.2 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. -When using GCC on 5554 targets, use at least 4136 bytes of heap. -If using GCC, this MotoHawk version requires GCC PowerPC EABI Version 4.4.0 SP1 and GCC PowerPC EABI SPE Version 4.4.0 SP1, available on the customer download site under Optional Files. Uninstall the old versions of this software before installing the new versions. MotoHawk New Features: -artf3639 : S12(X): Enable NX Crank Encoder, No CAM with full PSP support -artf3703 : S12(X): romcals should be located in paged FLASH -artf3717 : Add CCP Master support for the CCP MOVE command -artf3722 : Implement delay before attempt encoder Synchronization on ClassicControlCore -artf3739 : Support CodeWarrior for S12(x) > V4.6 in NANT -artf3753 : CC - Add HiRes OneShot on LSDs of HBridge on GCM-563-048-0801/0802 MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf1689 : MH Calibration Block generates code even if resulting signal is terminated -artf3218 : FixedNonVolatileEEStatus missing GCC section macro -artf3298 : MH - Update pseudo encoder help text -artf3612 : MotoHawk generated ASAP2 file for CCP enabled targets does not indicate all optional commands -artf3629 : add protection in motohawk_can2xml script for the Moto Experssion evaluator -artf3669 : Enhance MotoHawk Encoder Help - part #2 -artf3671 : CC - Add TPU_MASK_N12_WINSYNC_VCAM to list in RefreshEncoderConst() -artf3672 : Make CrankEncoder_Generic data model more concise -artf3673 : ECM-0S12-024-0503 CrankEncoder behavior not exposed properly in MotoHawk -artf3684 : Allow S12 SerialEE BSS parameters to be not initialized by the SRZ -artf3686 : Remove camless 6X and 12X encoders from MotoHawk -artf3687 : Remove [[Application]].ini generation during S12 Builds -artf3689 : Add links in motohawk_blocks.html -artf3690 : ADCAngleVectorStoppedTrigger.html has wrong title -artf3693 : S12 targets should pass an InitializedRAM parameter to MotoConvert for FactoryDefaults of NonVolatile parameters -artf3694 : Level shift Encoder State trigger for MPC55xx targets -artf3696 : Fix NANT to correctly enumerate toolchains on x64 platforms -artf3698 : ComponentControlCore_Services_CCPMaster.xsl only partially supports the DNLOAD_6 command in Pass Through interface -artf3700 : ClassicControlCore - Handle Floating Point Zero Div Zero -artf3701 : MH - Not all VarCAM patterns appear on CAL enum -artf3702 : Add resource parameters to Serial blocks help files -artf3704 : Update target definition block help with margins etc. -artf3705 : Fault manager help points to wrong image. -artf3708 : 555 modules do not report the correct maximum available flash in the GreenHills build statistics -artf3714 : Make CC Classic build conditional -artf3716 : Fix Application runtime crash on GCM-0565-024-0602-Fxx with GCC 4.4.0 build. -artf3718 : Allocate uninitialized EE in ControlCoreClassic to the correct section -artf3720 : Fix heap pointer calc in sbrk.c for GCC builds of ComponentControlCore Processor -artf3725 : CC - Fix FreqAvg TPU primitive ID for TPU_C (select masks) -artf3726 : CC - Restore debug info in archives for non release builds -artf3731 : Capture ControlCoreClassic optimization options discovered in artf3699 -artf3732 : Modify the heap size validation for classic targets in the toolchain sfun -artf3738 : VarCam creation on CAM to error when VarCam not selected in Encoder Definition -artf3743 : Update MotoConvert Binary to -artf3751 : MH - Remove HBridge resources from HCM48_0563-801 -artf3764 : Fix MotoConvert symbol parsing for GCC toolchains -artf3768 : ControlCoreClassic: ensure SPI_MSMethods is defined for ECM build -artf3784 : Uninstaller deletes mnfeature.exe 2009b_beta2 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.9.1 Migration Notes: -This version and newer of MotoHawk will require version 1.0.4 (or newer) of the MotoHawk Custom Security block. MotoHawk New Features: -artf3276 : Fault Definition block uses an extra stack variable -artf3346 : Add prototype module descriptor for M120 -artf3368 : MH - ProEFI - SCIONTC 36-2 4M1 CAM VVT -artf3407 : Enable MotoHawk classic 5xx targets to build from GCC -artf3423 : S12(X): Implement vardec to view micro censorship state -artf3425 : Update Default Security Archives for "powerpc-eabispe" -artf3426 : Update RTW archives for "powerpc-eabispe" -artf3432 : Deprecate the use of motohawk_copy_ppc_lib -artf3446 : Add RTW archives for MATLAB R2009b (7.9) -artf3447 : Add version 7.9 as option for motohawk_prepare_rtw_archives -artf3452 : CC - Extend FreeStore.c to use macros or function for GCC support -artf3476 : CC - Set packing to byte explicitly in MototronProtocol -artf3485 : Install PWM and Halfmoon Variable Cam Phaser support on MPC5xx MIOS inputs -artf3487 : Remove ancient warning from AngleEvent.c in ControlCoreClassic -artf3488 : Update MotoHawk Build script for 2009b Beta 2 -artf3501 : Move ControlCoreClassic TPU archives into it's own Archives folder -artf3502 : XGATE - Allow interrupt disable -artf3525 : Make build.bat location agnostic for MotoHawk Classic builds -artf3531 : CC - Deprecate the use of the "protected" serial eeprom area -artf3539 : CC - Deprecate AIM module from build -artf3567 : MH - Deprecate motohawk_cc_documentation -artf3577 : Add support for Fixed Non-Volatile (EEPROM) variables for GCC in 5xx Classic targets -artf3598 : S12: allow class 1 interrupts to switch stacks, block nesting -artf3610 : Install Encoder Emulator Functionality on PCM128 -artf3628 : Add 36-1 CAM only pattern for KvT to 5xx Modules -artf3630 : Enable N-Minus-X Encoder on HCS12 -artf3634 : Enable High Res One Shot on INJ outputs for PCM128 -artf3646 : CC - Remove GCC symbols on release mode MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf1801 : Create version 1.0.4 of MotoHawk Custom Security block -artf3367 : CC - ProEFI - SCIONTC 36-2 4M1 CAM VVT -artf3384 : S12(X): Improve the performance of PWM_SetFreqDC() -artf3408 : Use powerpc-eabispe for GCC Toolchain on MPC555x MotoCoder targets -artf3431 : Deprecate the use of the EEProm variable g_u2CAMDelay by ClassicControlCore targets -artf3442 : Fix max duration handling of Dual PSP Start/Stop Control on Classic ControlCore targets -artf3444 : Output needs to be initialized in all cases in motohawk_sfun_fixedpoint_mult.c -artf3450 : MC: Make "Assert" overloaded io:invert-macro function backward compatible -artf3451 : CC - Rectify packing in FrameworkError.h -artf3454 : CC - GetFileLengthWithHandleFFS should return 0xFFFFFFFF if IS_FILE_SYSTEM_POSSIBLE == FALSE -artf3455 : CC - Set default error within functions -artf3456 : CC - Rectify use of asignment instead of compare in CreateResourceBEHAVIOUR_ANALOG_TRIGGER() -artf3457 : CC - ADC Tables should be declared a const -artf3458 : CC - BgndTask remove GCC warning - missing sint4 return -artf3459 : CC - Fix mismatch prototype for DestroyStandardEncoderHW() -artf3460 : CC - FIHW_TPUISR, bNotifyIssued should be explicitly set -artf3461 : CC - Declare g_u1ECM48ESTDisablePinArr as const -artf3462 : CC - List in VersionControlCoreSDK.c all artf related to BASSO_VALIDATION_REMOVE -artf3464 : CC - TransCount declare tables in flash instead of RAM -artf3465 : CC - GCC requires access registers using volatile -artf3466 : CC - Allow GHS 4.2.1 builds in ControlCoreClassic -artf3467 : CC - Make QueryAllocationSize back into a function -artf3468 : CC - Update GCC crt0.s to clear extended sections -artf3469 : CC - g_TaskSyncObjArr in TaskKernel_Sync needs proper section attribute -artf3470 : CC - Boot interface needs pragma pack(1) -artf3473 : Fix typo in motohawk_check_gcc_armce_pe.m -artf3477 : CC - Fire48 Set pfSetDirectionPin to PWM_Dridge_NoSetDirectionPin -artf3478 : CC - Ensure SeqStdOS_BuzzProtect can cope with pulses in any order -artf3484 : MotoCoder NANT builds should specify buildfile on command line -artf3486 : Fix build warning in UnhandledISR.c in ControlCoreClassic using GreenHills 4.2.1 -artf3489 : Fix warning in seqnc_os.c introduced in artf3343 for GCC builds of ControlCoreClassic -artf3492 : CC - FgndTimeTask and FgndAngle task remove ggc warning - missing sint4 return -artf3493 : CC - Declare g_ECM48SwPullupInfoArr as const -artf3494 : CC - TaskKernel_CPU.c externs are in wrong section -artf3495 : Fix GHS Warning for unused static prototype SetH3DirectionPin on non PCM128 builds -artf3497 : Automate ControlCoreClassic VersionControlCoreSDK release version text -artf3504 : S12X PSP - Allow angle edge to schedule regardless of edge interrupt state -artf3506 : Selection of the default toolchain should factor in GCC and the "None" selection in the toolchain block -artf3507 : Make Core Coherency Threadsafe on the XGATE -artf3509 : Generic Encoder runtime data shall be core coherent -artf3511 : S12X - PSP edge scheduling may not be nested -artf3516 : Fix build warnings with GCC on ucFS sources in ControlCoreClassic -artf3517 : CC- Fix warning for pointless comparison -artf3518 : CC - Update Nant build files to look for motoparser in MOTOCODER_DIR/Bin by default -artf3520 : CC - Rectify footers in -artf3522 : Fix link warning on ControlCoreClassic GCC build: cannot find entry symbol Entry -artf3526 : Fix documentation build (with Doxygen) for ControlCoreClassic -artf3527 : CC - Rectify packing in TPUuCodeError.h and usbSpecification.h -artf3528 : CC - Update use of __SECTION_ -artf3529 : CC - Add return to main() -artf3533 : CC - Fix unused variable warning for certain build configurations in MixedOutDriver.c -artf3537 : Delete \Documentation\ControlCoreSDK Release X.0 report_files -artf3540 : MH - Deprecate AIM Module -artf3546 : Fix errors in the MotoHawk Injector Sequence block -artf3552 : Automatically change the CAM pattern parameter '3 teeth - half wide' to '6 teeth - half wide' -artf3566 : MH - Update MuxPSP help -artf3572 : Repair the FormatID calculation when MotoCoder components are not present -artf3578 : Remove unintentional zeroing out of non-initialised variables for Fixed NonVolatile objects with GCC on MotoCoder MPC5554 based targets -artf3580 : Fix Control Core Classic Serial EE MemReadSync endless recursion with GCC -artf3592 : FormatID vardec needs to always initialize at startup (non-MotoCoder targets only) -artf3601 : Avoid using the CAST operation in the CAN Send Messages block -artf3602 : Add help text for the Queue Name parameter in the ADC Periodic Vector block -artf3603 : Remove stack unwind information from GCC PowerPC builds -artf3604 : MH - Encoder list [ECM-0563-048-0806] missing encoders -artf3606 : CC - Remove "BASSO_VALIDATION_REMOVE" from all remaining ControlCoreClassic build files -artf3614 : TPU - WinSyncVarCAM Rectify TimeBetweenEdges reading -artf3619 : DataStoreVardec Enumeration XML need to use the proper format -artf3623 : MH - Make VarCAM resources save in model -artf3625 : Clear Fault block does not adjust for the "Fault Source" option -artf3635 : CC - Add pragma pack(1) to tpu parameter ram struct layouts -artf3636 : MH - motohawk_encoder_types.txt is missing encoders -artf3638 : LinkerDefinition_(DEV/PROD).xml is generated incorrect -artf3641 : MH - Enhanced OneShot PCM128 EST9-16 remove -artf3659 : Enhance MotoHawk Encoder Help - part #1 2009b_beta1 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.9.0 Migration Notes: -ControlCore 52_0 MotoHawk New Features: -artf2708 : Add Update-time Error Checking to the ADC Periodic Vector blocks -artf3189 : Create MotoHawk 2009b Licensing -artf3210 : Move Component-S12 and Component-S12XE To Released -artf3222 : Add GHS build.exe task to NANT -artf3280 : Round up MC33810 max duration to nearest integer -artf3308 : TPU - Create WinSyncVarCAM primitive -artf3343 : Install PSP support on ECM48 LSO10 and LSO11 -artf3364 : Make ClassicControlCore sources buildable by GHS and GCC -artf3365 : CC - ProEFI - Toyota/IS300 36-2 3X CAM VVT -artf3369 : CC - Build ControlCoreSDK_52_0 -artf3383 : Implement InputCapture Get Block for MotoCoder targets -artf3387 : Re-Enable the fixed/adaptive arming configuration for PCM128 Encoders -artf3388 : Expose the Fixed/Adaptive arming threshold configuration for VR encoders -artf3390 : MC: Implement Assertion state for DigIn behaviors -artf3404 : Remove all customer security archives from SVN -artf3411 : Modify the Module Descriptor(MD) for TrueClean -artf3415 : CC - ProEFI Create "12X – 2 Stroke – Single Tooth CAM Sync" MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf3015 : MotoCoder Components on S12 CAL modules: Calibrations -artf3027 : Update to version 1.0.10 of the .NET license libraries -artf3145 : TPU - NissanZ allow selectable edge for cam pulse width measurement -artf3146 : Create the MotoHawk_Deprecated_lib and add legacy Quadrature -artf3147 : S12(X): Apply MSCAN errata patch only for S12 in ControlCore -artf3175 : TPU - Remove pspstrik.uc from Mask builds -artf3176 : TPU - FreqAvg.uc - Ensure write of LAST_T_MSB/LSB is coherent -artf3183 : TPU - Save one instruction in VarCAM.uc -artf3184 : TPU - NissanZ delay pseudo halfmoon -artf3190 : motohawk_clean_builds does not do anything unless "use_prompt" is set -artf3195 : CAN Read Message Block has unexpected Data Type assignments -artf3198 : Install "Ignore X Edges on Start-up" in TPU N12 Encoder Primitive -artf3201 : CAN Send Messages block outputs a build warning with GCC and S12 when payload mask is 255 -artf3208 : Compiler option missing during S12 Component build -artf3212 : CC - MotoQDEC.c rectify operator precedence -artf3215 : Optimize Pseudo Encoder Primitive in MPC5xx TPU Mask -artf3216 : TPU - Correct Primitive list for TPU_MASK_NX_CAM2X on TPU_C -artf3220 : TPU - Add FreqIn.uc to EVO9 VarCam TPU Mask -artf3225 : S12: Support user defined CAN settings -artf3241 : Expose "Ignore X Teeth Before Attempting Synchronization" attribute to MotoHawk -artf3254 : MC: Input capture block unable to trigger on both edges -artf3257 : DataStoreExists does not give the correct answer for MotoCoder targets -artf3258 : Add ADC Periodic Vector Documentation -artf3261 : Set ECT new timer before new action -artf3266 : Install Injector Complete Trigger support when the motohawk_sfun_injector block is used -artf3288 : Install Injector Complete Trigger support when the motohawk_sfun_dual_psp block is used -artf3289 : ESTs created as Injector style sequence outputs shall use Push Pull Driver mode -artf3311 : Default ToolChain selection should be more intelligent -artf3328 : Analog Input and Digital Input Creation Status needs to return the GetErrorCode() macro rather than raw NativeError_S type -artf3332 : Correct Cam Edge Polarity in ControlCore Classic -artf3333 : Utilize the Cam Edge Polarity Supplied by Host in Hyundai60 Cam TPU Primitive -artf3336 : Force the Component unpack operation to check for MH/ML version differences -artf3344 : Add ClassicControlCore sources to MotoHawk Tree -artf3345 : Add a "Ref" macro in the Component Data Store build for matrix references -artf3354 : Fix Dual PSP Start/Stop Control on Classic ControlCore targets -artf3361 : S12: Configure PEAR for GPIO -artf3366 : MH - ProEFI - Toyota/IS300 36-2 3X CAM VVT -artf3374 : Allow LSO1_IMON to be polled as a traditonal analog on Bedrock ECU -artf3376 : Add Nissan-Kohki Encoder to ControlCoreClassic -artf3378 : Add ADC Angle Vector Stopped Trigger Block Help -artf3380 : S12(X): Allow CPU InputCapture on PORTT -artf3381 : Add mechanism to get custom application descriptor Application level elements -artf3382 : S12(X): Implement InputCapture GetState method -artf3393 : ProEFI - NissanZ add crank links to non-sync VarCAM channels -artf3397 : Remove stateflow seed&key example from MotoHawk CCP Slave -artf3399 : VarDecs_MotoTuneDLL.xsl file needs to transform "char" into "TXTCHAR" -artf3403 : motohawk_vardec_lib assumes incorrect default offset value -artf3405 : Fix NANT task warning behavior -artf3409 : Fix TPU build file from commit in Artifact artf3376 : Add Nissan-Kohki Encoder to ControlCoreClassic -artf3410 : Fix ControlCoreClassic on CCNet -artf3429 : Update readme boilerplate -artf3433 : CC - Remove vardec for CamDelay from PPCLib\ControlCore\API\Framework_MultiTask_Vardecs.c -artf3453 : Make "Assert" overloaded io:invert-macro function backward compatible -artf3472 : Create new version of motohawk_gettokendata, which is a dependency on .NET Licensing 2009a sp0.1 MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf3398 : VarDecs_MotoTuneDLL.xsl file needs to transform "char" into "TXTCHAR" 2009a Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.8.4 Migration Notes: -ControlCore 50_0 Known Issues: -artf3353 : Dual PSP on Classic ControlCore targets does not work in Start/Stop mode MotoHawk New Features: -artf2509 : Add - Verify Help files for New MotoHawk blocks (ADC Vector) -artf3279 : 2009a SP0: Round up MC33810 max duration to nearest integer MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf2200 : Change docs to reflect resource name types are strings -artf3047 : Implement dataless frequency input triggerin MotoCoder -artf3120 : XGATE: Analog Periodic Vector interrupts CPU without MH trigger present -artf3138 : Documentation - Update TDCOffset to indicate module differences -artf3226 : S12: Support user defined CAN settings -artf3260 : Set ECT new timer before new action -artf3267 : Install Injector Complete Trigger support when the motohawk_sfun_injector block is used -artf3316 : S12: Configure PEAR for GPIO -artf3322 : Analog Input and Digital Input Creation Status need to return the GetErrorCode() macro rather than raw NativeError_S type 2009a_beta4 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.8.3 Migration Notes: -ControlCore 50_0 MotoHawk New Features: -artf2643 : S12(X): Add PIT-based OutputCompare -artf2762 : Bedrock: Change GPIO tacho to PIT-based -artf3071 : Allow external property to set MOTOCODER_DIR used in build for TPU on 5xx -artf3077 : Suppress warning when creating a new GCC archive -artf3078 : Add Quadrature Decoder support to EngineBasic eTPU Mask -artf3149 : Add mechanism to get custom io definitions from motohawk_io MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf2217 : MPC5554 applications built by GCC do not update PeakHeapBytesUsed -artf2546 : Allow aliasing of initialised RAM for Merging/Programming on S12 -artf2722 : Create an auto-build helper script for checking the MotoHawk license -artf2927 : SECM0502 Hbridge: Pass Maximum Frequency to each PWM Resource -artf2934 : TLE6209: Fix chopper-off-time enumerations -artf3061 : Default TLE6209 and NCV7513 settings match requested from Conti -artf3079 : S12(X): Install ECT Input Capture Interrupt Nesting Support -artf3080 : Modify FreqIn_Common.xsl to optionally execute without a level shift -artf3087 : Implement support for overrun status in the Frequency input notification -artf3090 : Add motohawk_tex to the Fixed Point Prelookup block to fix name formatting -artf3093 : S12X: Minimize unused XGATE stack footprint -artf3095 : S12XE: Minimize heap required for FLASH routines -artf3099 : Remove SS_OPTION_WORKS_WITH_CODE_REUSE from Probes -artf3100 : S12(X): Encoder error not thrown upon false zero speed event -artf3102 : Correct Frequency Definition operation when some outputs are connected to Terminators -artf3107 : S12: Extremely large calibration corrupts 'DEV' user application -artf3109 : Remove Task_StackMetrics_Refresh from application idle loop on MotoCoder targets -artf3110 : Remove Timer_Watchdog_Refresh from common Task Execute function on MotoCoder targets -artf3111 : Data Store definition must create column vectors properly in MotoCoder -artf3118 : Accessing Structure Data Stores with Matrix fields by Reference causes build errors in Legacy CC -artf3135 : S12X: CPU copy of 32-bit free running counter subject to race condition -artf3138 : Documentation - Update TDCOffset to indicate module differences -artf3140 : Bedrock: Make encoder interrupts top XGATE interrupts -artf3144 : DataInitializer function must use the parameter dimensions and not the output signal dimensions -artf3158 : Integrate fix for ASAP2 generator failing on Measurement Bitfields -artf3159 : Discrepancy in Quadrature Encoder Ready Interface -artf3161 : "Fault Action Assigned To Fault" does not report the correct value if more than 5 fault actions are present -artf3165 : Enable Watchdog -artf3166 : Documentation updates 2009a_beta3 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.8.2 Migration Notes: -ControlCore 50_0 MotoHawk New Features: -artf2859 : Install MotoCoder Support for the "Trigger After N Pulses" Frequency Input Mode -artf2891 : Install Interrupt Support on MPC555x Frequency Inputs -artf2954 : Install Input Capture support on S12 ECT Inputs -artf2969 : Implement Frequency version of the FF_74HC74 DeviceDriver via in Input Capture -artf2983 : Add the Generation of Data-Driven Text Files to MotoCoder -artf3011 : S12(X): Allow app extension to disable MC33810 ON Open Load Fault Detection MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf2707 : Remove duplicate copy of calibrations from FLASH -artf2843 : Update KeySuiteCommon.h to reflect legacy enum claims -artf2870 : Create Freq In "Trigger After N Pulse" Set block in MotoHawk -artf2873 : Variable X-Tooth PWM CAM Help is incorrect -artf2885 : Handcoded MotoCoder: Several XML build-related files are generated into the calling directory -artf2886 : Handcoded MotoCoder: Application descriptor is required to be in the build directory for S12 targets -artf2890 : Support GetKWPVersion from hardboot -artf2955 : Integrate new ASAP2 binaries and transform -artf2960 : 2009a Handcoded MotoCoder: Build statistic parsed files use Application/Build/Directory in their path -artf2972 : Updated MotoConvert Executable -artf2975 : Add Selectable App Pointer versions for S12 Code Generation -artf2981 : S12(X): ECT_PSP_Create uses CPU object as processor indicator -artf2986 : Updated NANT binaries -artf3005 : Repair fixed point math blocks for S12 MotoCoder -artf3008 : 2009a : References to Matrix data causes module reset with ECM 090x modules -artf3018 : Correct template match scope on Fixed point Math Service -artf3019 : Update MotoConvert Binary -artf3031 : Make FF_74HC74D period recovery thread safe -artf3036 : Have "Provide Trigger after N Pulses" emulate Classic implementation -artf3037 : Correct race condition in FF_74HC74 device driver's zero frequency detection -artf3040 : Reverse changes in artf3005 -artf3049 : 2009a b3 - S12: ControlCore Flash routines fail due to invalid PPAGE value -artf3054 : S12X: ADCPeriodicVector enable state must be coherent -artf3083 : Add Virtual Probe data stores to the global MotoHawk data store list in MotoCode 2009a_beta2 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.7.5 Migration Notes: -ControlCore 48_0 MotoHawk New Features: -artf2629 : S12(X):Add ECT OutputCompare -artf2630 : S12(X): Add SW_TRIG_SINGLE_SCAN analog queue mode -artf2632 : CCC: Add ADCPeriodicVector DD -artf2633 : Add MH support for ADCPeriodicVector -artf2634 : Enable ADCPeriodic Vector for DPF SmartFire module -artf2635 : CCC: Add VolatileWork pragma -artf2649 : Support WindowsPC target -artf2650 : Add i386 component target and include in RTW libraries -artf2653 : Add i386 to the security archive builds -artf2685 : Update NANT binaries -artf2691 : Create NANT build file for Rijndael Encryption library -artf2692 : Create NANT build files for S12 HardBoot code -artf2711 : S12 (X): Add HiResOneShot behavior -artf2743 : Add new capability value for use with ETK -artf2749 : Create SECM0502 module descriptor. -artf2754 : S12(X): Add batch building for Hardboot MotoHawk Bug Fixes: -artf1700 : 2008b: ECM-0S12-024-0503/0804 modules not properly configured for FrequencyInput DG on CNK -artf1911 : Frequency Input Causes build error on S12 targets -artf2473 : Fix GCC/PowerPC toolchain installer for x64 platforms -artf2498 : On S12(X) make PWM use TIM module -artf2617 : Add CacheDelay node for MC33810 and NCV7513 in module config xml file -artf2622 : Add support for custom rt_nonfinite.c file generation -artf2637 : Unexpected nightly build module descriptor in release -artf2638 : Add Custom security for OH4.0 -artf2647 : Correct and Enhance DualPSP Block Help -artf2654 : NANT binaries Update -artf2674 : Assure motohawk_prepare_release is performed with sfunction DLLs -artf2681 : Remove K_OHMS limitation of Max Volts needing to be larger than max current -artf2706 : Create MPC5554-ghs and MPC5554-gcc targets in PIM module support build files -artf2709 : Remove MOTOGCC_WIN32PE_INSTALLDIR from the win32-pe msm/exe Installer -artf2728 : Change motohawk_check_gcc_armce to use correct directory -artf2730 : NCV7513: Shorted load causes all faults to be triggered -artf2731 : Move H-Bridge block code to tlc function update. -artf2745 : ECM5554-112 DEV modules are lacking Calibrations when compiled by GCC -artf2750 : 2009a: Add check for valid byte in pack/unpack blocks -artf2751 : 2009a: DSP message rx buffer max size should be 50 -artf2761 : S12(X): Allow AD00 to be used in analog bootstrap criteria -artf2776 : S12 (X): Support "short" OutputCompare durations -artf2827 : Correct Failure of Disable to stick in Child PWMs on the eTPU -artf2831 : Bedrock: Set MC33810 maximum dwell current to 12A -artf2833 : S12 (X): Correct handling of negative PWM duty cycle to spec -artf2841 : Make processor compiler defn tolerant of _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -artf2842 : Update vcproj build files for selected libraries -artf2850 : DFREQ2 and HiResOneShot on LSO4 use same resource -artf2860 : Create a new motohawk_gettokendata which does not use MotoServer COM interface -artf2861 : Remove TIM from S12/S12X builds -artf2863 : Add CC00 data flash section to all S12X builds -artf2864 : S12(X): ADCVector enable port acts as rising edge trigger port -artf2866 : S12X: Use HW Semaphores for coherency protection -artf2867 : S12X: Pend the XGATE only on HW semaphore wait -artf2868 : S12X: Applicaiton PSP timings shall be ensured coherent -artf2881 : Remove FakeCAN.xsl from ComponentControlCore CodeTemplates -artf2888 : S12(X): Allow for ADCVector queues greater than 256 in length 2009a_beta1 Type: External Dependencies: -MotoTune version or greater -MotoServer Runtime version or greater -MotoCoder 0.7.5 Migration Notes: -ControlCore 48_0 - Power Inverter Module (PIM60). The PIM-5554-060-0801-xD target does not build correctly due to a missing archive file in the installer. To use the PIM60 target, please contact Woodward MCS Support ( for additional information. MotoHawk New Features: -artf1661 : S12X: Enable Transient Injection -artf2047 : Create Common Module Descriptor for PIM Hardware PIM-5554-060-0801-xD / xD-1 -artf2049 : Create DeviceDriver for MAX6753 with D-Latch Enable -artf2061 : Create AU6803 Resolver IC DeviceDriver -artf2066 : Integrate .NET licensing library V1.0.6 -artf2071 : Make all register access on 555x targets volatile -artf2083 : S12(X): Enable input capture application triggers on MC33810 diagnostic outputs -artf2087 : Migrate build scripts to utilize latest generation of MotoConvert -artf2091 : GCC linker script not properly aligning .CC_IRQ_vectors -artf2092 : Make List File Generation Optional with MotoCoder Targets built with NANT -artf2102 : MotoCoder Components - Step 4: NonVolatile Data Stores -artf2111 : Add 32 bit fixed point blocks -artf2129 : Create support for CCM 1001 -artf2133 : Create new hardware majors for CCM1001 -artf2141 : Separate AC Machine Parameters into base and error term -artf2142 : Separate PMSM Machine Parameters into Base and Error and Split LLs into Lq and Ld -artf2145 : Get ToothPeriodInNativeTimer accessor for EncoderGenAPI -artf2154 : PIM Current Regulator Gains to be function tunable -artf2165 : Fault Status/Action Blocks create extra global RAM -artf2176 : Frequency Input Trigger block still present in deprecated location, Trigger Blocks subsystem -artf2184 : Install mechanism to allow MPC55xx Registers to be read by MotoTune -artf2186 : Add method that polls for overrun in an analogue queue -artf2191 : GCC: MPC555x link file generation for Calibration and NonVolatile operation -artf2195 : motohawk_send_data does not report the toolchain used during the build -artf2225 : NANT support for determining library paths in GCC build files -artf2230 : Change MotoHawk dependency on MotoDevelopmentTools to reference MotoCoder/Bin -artf2232 : Build and integrate ControlCore_49_0 into MotoHawk -artf2236 : Add MotoParser.exe to MotoCoder/Bin directory -artf2252 : Security Archive Generation for GCC 4.3.2 -artf2253 : Integrate new ASAP2 Generator executable -artf2256 : RTW Archive Generation for GCC 4.3.2 -artf2269 : motohawk_gcc_[win32_pe/m6812]_directory should be refactored -artf2287 : Add the Maximum Frequency Parameter to the PWM block -artf2316 : Change MotoHawk Component Builds to use Nant -artf2336 : Install MPC55xx ModuleSupport function to configure the Engineering Clock -artf2357 : Expose the Resolver Position Feedback to MotoHawk -artf2378 : Add Quadrature Encoder Ready Interface -artf2379 : Install method to recover the state that has been assigned to a digital output -artf2385 : Add G_FLT_PIN to PIM-5554-060-0801-xD-1 -artf2390 : Change ShortFaultTimer to 120 usec on MC33800 Discrete Outputs - 2009a -artf2400 : Change win32-pe to a merge module -artf2402 : MATLAB 2009a requires RTW archives -artf2406 : Installer must enable the MATLAB 2009a check box -artf2418 : Add GCC Toolchain node to 112 pin module descriptors -artf2421 : Remove unnecessary files from IO and DataStorage -artf2427 : Alter Machine Control sources to account for new inductance scaling -artf2429 : S12(X): Allow HSHS Duration to update after update tooth -artf2435 : S12(X): Add Oneshot complete triggers -artf2489 : Create a new module descriptor for TrueClean Module S12(X) -artf2490 : Oscillator Clock Frequency 20Mhz TrueClean S12(X) -artf2492 : HWMajor, HWMinor for TrueClean S12(X) -artf2521 : Security Archive Generation for GCC 4.3.3 -artf2524 : RTW Archive Generation for GCC 4.3.3 -artf2526 : Compensate Resolver originated Speed and Position values for Resolver Poles -artf2544 : Utilize